With everything out of the way it is now time to finish and evaluate my current job thus far.
The genre which i chose to do for this course was one which i had not seen much of in the entire A2 exemplar work which i had seen on the OCR websites for good, high marked work. The horror genre which everyone else seems to have done was not what i wanted to do, it seemed too easy to as a horror trailer is a quite simple (no offense to those who did horror) trailer to make. While a horror trailer did seem like a good idea at first i decided that i wanted a challenge, i wanted to do a comedy film.
My media product i believe uses the forms and conventions of a comedy trailer quite well, it balances the values of quick comedic gags
with a small amount of
back story thrown in.
With one of the trailers which i analysed, Youth in Revolt, it showed a small piece of
back story narrated over to provide the audience with a clear idea of what is going on, after the initial bombshell of why the characters motivations are revealed, the background music, which suits it perfectly, kicks in and the audience are shown a series of well timed and executed comedic acts to reel them in to watch the film.
My trailer follows the same style of their trailer by providing the audience with some clips from before the motivations are
revealed with some captions and titles to inform the audience of what was going on, as in Youth in Revolt, once the bombshell has been dropped the music sets in and this is followed by a series of comedic gag which do not give away much about the plot and still keeps the audience entertained, in this way do i believe that my media trailer follows the conventions of a comedy film trailer.
The music that i used in my trailer i thought challenged the conventions of a comedy trailer, quite often in trailers you will get music which relates back to the
plot line itself, going back to Youth in Revolt with
Bon Jovi and You Give Love a Bad Name, it relates back to the ideas of having your heart broken and doing something about it.
In my trailer, i used a piece of music which does suit the comedy genre but it is a modern take on a classical piece. The Russian Dance from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker is a good piece of music to put fast physical comedy gags to and generally suits the comedy genre,
unfortunately in
modern times the classical music has gone out of fashion in trailers unless they are based in ancient wars or action films. Comedy trailers now tend to focus on music which relates back to the topic it is focusing on. I decided that my trailer would focus on the comedic gags more than the story and as such i needed to use a piece of music like the Russian Dance. Luckily i was able to find an
uncopyrighted source who had remixed the song for a more modern era on the electric guitar which suited my trailer perfectly. So rather than have music which had a point, my background music was purely for comedic effect.