Sunday, 2 May 2010

All three Final Pieces

While all three pieces are already on the blog i felt like it would be useful if they were all in one post together for any last minute comments


  1. I really like the choice of typeface for the title. It looks a bit slapstick and “sloppy” in a good way. It suggests silliness and FUN. Putting “boys” on the right not the left or middle also adds to the effect. In the trailer I cant hear the voices very well when the music comes on, but the choice of music is great. It fits well with your theme. Good stuff though!

  2. Agree with Ron on not being able to hear the voices very well on the trailer, is there a way you can adjust the volume of the music somehow?
    The choice of music is good though, and I also like the typeface you picked. The poster is nice and simple too. :)

  3. Certainly clear genre references. The print work is a little too simplistic though.
